171 points | by curiousmindset2 weeks ago
> A non-cancerous company review board (f glassdoor)
> Augmented-reality underwear
Good to know the internet is functioning as usual.
Still, Uber Hobo is still a great idea, you could overwhelm those small operators with flash mobs of hobos during the rollout phase and also accept in app payments so that UH could be assured its 35 percent. Also, as a value add, a BLE beacon that shows you already gave today and to not excessively harass you.
Good to know that some things remain the same regardless of whether it is a developed, developing or a poor country.
That sounds more like it would quickly become the "sucker" beacon that tells them you pay out.
Counterpoint: This is made up. It is like a crossover episode between HN and AO3
I still don’t know which was his side hustle.
The ocean of difference between “I’ve heard of some folks getting shook down” and “If you see someone panhandling they are likely part of an organized network” is incredibly vast. It is to take one small observation and extrapolate it into a pure fantasy. It is quite literally made up. It kind of sounds like you were told and then credulously believed an urban legend.
Source: Have been homeless, panhandled, and decades of work in homeless outreach. I have worked with folks in day shelters, night shelters, street corners, large encampments, etc. for many, many years and what you have written is patently untrue.
Of course, the term “superhobo” is a farcical literary confabulation, I’m sure nobody actually calls them “superhobos”
My exposure comes from Fairbanks in the 00s, Santo Domingo, Delhi, someplace in California near LA can’t remember. Figured it must be common?
We used to have one of those.
You underestimate how stupid Cold War weapon projects got, they were putting nukes in anything.
> The carrying power of a 10-11 gram
> bat is indeed amazing, some 15-18 grams; the incendiary bomb was in this
> range (17.5 grams). Bats can carry such loads for miles. And bats with
> dummy bombs released in housed areas dragged the loads into sites highly
> favorable for fire-starting. W e released bats successfully at various altitudes
> both from the B-2 S and from an open Attack Bomber, in which flying was
> great fun.
omg > Then,
> suddenly, X-ray was cancelled. I never learned the reason, but can make a
> guess. The bats would be vectors for bombs, but they would be vectors also
> for germs. Our side might be accused of initiating biological warfare.
oh yeah because being accused of doing something horrible while doing something horrible would be horrible.Now that's an interesting section (second link)
One proposal suggested that live chickens would be sealed inside the casing, with a supply of food and water.[6] They would remain alive for approximately a week. Their body heat would apparently have been sufficient to keep the mine's components at a working temperature.
This is now my favorite way to explain caching.
Doesn't mean ideas aren't valuable, but the process is just as, if not more, important.
The full interview has more.
But then i thought maybe some people are too shy to give their name away so it's best to remove them.
I was still in dilemma, so removed it from the UI but not from the api reponses ( will do it now )
In future, i'll just add an option in the profile, so you can choose to show your name if you want to
> Instead of just fries, let customers split their side order between different options (half fries, half onion rings) for the same price
> lawn sprinklers, but targeted with Ring
> Venmo for dogs
> website where you can pay people you know to shut up
I made an scrollable view here if anyone wants that
Heh, “someone else probably will” is such a strange way to say “no-one ever will” :D
I think someone already came up with this
> uber for blowjob
Limited only to certain geos where prostitution is legal; already exists in certain countries in some shape or form
Pretty sure that's just Snapchat.
This idea is kind of great though. Remember that mcmaster car website? One reason it was so fast is it would silently download the next pages before you visited them. Creating the impression of instant loading. Could we do something similar where a program constantly downloaded websites you were most likely to visit in the background? Eventually having both a mass archive of useful content over time and creating the impression that the web were instant? With how cheap storage space now is and how fast connections are maybe the bottleneck now is efficiency of user input.
some ideas deserve to die
that's actually one of the main "idea" behind the website
just a lot less (overt) slurs and slightly more intelligible formatting
I’d invest in this
This is why juicero failed! No AI!
I wish you could comment on some of these or vote them "already implemented," because whoever wrote that needs to try Turkish breakfast.
It would be nice to be able to "like" the best ideas. Maybe show "hot" ideas in one column and a random sample on another column? This way readers get what's most relevant while preserving discoverability.
- voting
- tagging / filtering / sorting
- commenting? some way to let people meet around an idea?
Is there some sort of moderation currently?
just added voting feature, will add the rest as well
currently there is no moderation, i just made this as a fun project and didn't expect it to go this wild lol. will add it now
thanks for the tooltip idea ! I added the basic "Read more" truncation but it was looking ugly so removed it. Tooltip sounds better
Absolutely brilliant, 2 billion $ idea at least :)
I can't count the number of times someone came to me with an idea, suggesting I would do all the work, and we would split it 50/50. "What are you going to do?" "I had the idea." No thanks.
The funniest is when they want me to sign some sort of NDA. Nah.
Execution is 99%, and the idea is just 1%. But you still need that 1% to start in the first place.
The site is just there to help you achieve that 1%.
In the end, the execution is on to you :)
1. an app where you can point to a body and it will show on the TV so the person behind you knows where to massage
One thing to learn about is the timing of ideas and when the market is ready for it.
Also important is learning to build the small ideas that become big ideas.
Also agree that sometimes solving a small, specific problem is what grows into something bigger.
will add each and every feature you requested by this week.
also just added a voting feature, will add content moderation as well.
I woudn't work on it though.
That's fair enough, but would you at least contribute to the development?
2. Airbnb for public benches
3. Podcast that is only ads
These are the ideas I want to see
Added these features -
Voting, Infinite Scroll & Sorting ( Trending, Top Voted & Most Recent )
Right now working on Comments, will probably ship it by tomorrow
> Something went wrong. Please make sure the data you entered is correct.
thanks for letting me know !
Just added a voting system based on your feedback.
Will soon add:
- Content moderation
- Truncating large ideas on the UI
- Support for markdown
Great idea, Hollywood first!
I went with "a captcha where you match surveillance footage to mugshots to help solve crime"
What's your $0.02 insight?
1) show first 100 words of the idea (click into it) 2) votes! so we can see which ones are the best 3) ...thanks :))
and thanks for the suggestions, just added the voting feature, will add character limits as well