We're not over saturated with it, because in another universe: paper currency failed the vibe check because not-thinking-about-stuff was en vogue. I'm glad we live in this one.
Is that the intellectual level of a witling?
I feel like it was more efficient in the past before Amazon. Now everyone buys online, you buy from Amazon sometimes you don't realize the product you just puchased wasn't even from Amazon but a third party seller. The product sometimes fake.
The dependency on the 4th quarter is just dumb.
Then there is that far greater amount of packing used for deliveries. The box you would find in the shop is packaged inside another box, often much larger. Then there is the far higher rate of returns.
IT may be true, buts its not obvious to me that it is.
Buying from a shop does not necessarily mean driving to the shops: at the moment (and in some places I have lived in in the past) there are quite a few things I buy from local shops I walk to. In some big cities I would take public transport to buy anything that was not heavy (and really heavy things would be delivered anyway, of course).~
The point of want to make is that its not invariably true and in many cases it is not obvious it is true - you need to know how the supply chains work.
Delivered restaraunt food in urban enough areas sometimes from ghost kitchens, large commercial prep kitchens but making the full meal, instead of the restaraunt, but this may have died down after the pandemic.
But I wasn't taking about food delivery, more Amazon delivery van full of products vs something on the order of 1 million tons of vehicles driving to the store. Amazon vans can do 300-500 deliveries during Christmas, and personal cars have gotten heavier. It's vastly more efficient except where you could take the subway or something. But in large Urban places with subways the van may only have to go to a single building to drop off hundreds of packages in some cases so may still win out vs hundreds of subway trips.Couldn still win out,and especially if factoring in human time.
Big delivery trucks to a few rural stops might not be efficient, but when you order from rurally your packages might get dropped off by something like a Camry making 10 deliveries, I've seen that from Walmart orders, or a smaller US mail truck.
In addition to this the trash contributed to selling drop shipped Temu garbage.
Who cares about tourism industry if you can take their money.