The buttons are entirely virtual and the onboard controller ensures they are properly positioned, so you don't have to have each button carry it's own screen.
I didn't knew it was apparently still included in newer windows, I switched to nomacs as the image viewer in my Win11 because I disliked the new image viewer - it's usually slow, and it has weird controls for a desktop system.
reg add "HKCR\Applications\photoviewer.dll" /f
reg add "HKCR\Applications\photoviewer.dll\shell" /f
reg add "HKCR\Applications\photoviewer.dll\shell\open" /f /v MuiVerb /t REG_SZ /d "@photoviewer.dll,-3043"
reg add "HKCR\Applications\photoviewer.dll\shell\open\command" /f /ve /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /d "%SystemRoot%\System32\rundll32.exe \"%ProgramFiles%\Windows Photo Viewer\PhotoViewer.dll\", ImageView_Fullscreen %1"
reg add "HKCR\Applications\photoviewer.dll\shell\open\DropTarget" /f /v Clsid /t REG_SZ /d "{FFE2A43C-56B9-4bf5-9A79-CC6D4285608A}"
reg add "HKCR\Applications\photoviewer.dll\shell\print" /f
reg add "HKCR\Applications\photoviewer.dll\shell\print\command" /f /ve /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /d "%SystemRoot%\System32\rundll32.exe \"%ProgramFiles%\Windows Photo Viewer\PhotoViewer.dll\", ImageView_Fullscreen %1"
reg add "HKCR\Applications\photoviewer.dll\shell\print\DropTarget" /f /v Clsid /t REG_SZ /d "{FFE2A43C-56B9-4bf5-9A79-CC6D4285608A}"
For HEIC photos, you might still want to use the new viewer.
Unfortunately you have to patch in photo viewer in order to use it out of box.
Also subjective, but Steam Machine sounds corny.
That's when I got off that train. As alternatives, I am now evaluating Macro Deck and OpenDeck. I owe my gratitude to people like you who made it possible. Kudos and thanks!
Appreciate the shout-out!
I also have the Elgato pedal -- is that just some regular HID device do you know?