Latest AWS SDK/CLI incompatible with S3 alternatives - - Jan 2025
Config hotfix:
s3_client = boto3.client(
config=Config(request_checksum_calculation="when_required", response_checksum_validation="when_required")
Maybe this will trigger a rethink in how s3 compatible storage systems work.
1. Storage systems not S3 need to get on the same page for customer benefit wrt protocol and standards for object storage. 2. Users should default to non AWS client side tooling if they want to remain vendor agnostic, otherwise AWS will drag users for their benefit and purposes.
This is really no different than the OpenTofo [Terraform fork] & OpenBao [Vault fork] situation imho. Instead of "S3 compatible," it's time to fork and make the de factor standard an open standard, leaving AWS users to have to shim if breaking forward changes occur.
(and before S3, it was mogileFS: [which powered LiveJournal object storage almost two decades ago; omg files!])