A bookmarklet to kill sticky headers (2013)


167 points | by clockworksoul17 hours ago


  • ashtonmeuser16 hours ago
    Bookmarklet aficionado and maintainer of bookmarkl.ink here. Took the liberty of posting this bookmarklet: https://bookmarkl.ink/ashtonmeuser/849a972686e1505093c6d4fc5...
  • bloopernova38 minutes ago
    Is there a way to get this working on Firefox Android?

    The bluesky sticky header is annoying, and I haven't seen a way to just switch it off.

    EDIT: solved: drag kill sticky to bookmarks on desktop browser, then access bookmark from sync'd Firefox on Android.

  • mrzool11 minutes ago
    I still use this daily.
  • shiomiru2 hours ago
    In my text browser I came up with a way to implement these that doesn't move boxes around the page.[0] In short: treat "position: fixed" as an absolute child of the root box, and ignore "position: sticky" (mostly).

    This doesn't completely eliminate sticky headers/footers (problematic when you actually want to use them), but they behave like normal elements at the start/end of the page (instead of the screen).

    I initially did it this way for technical reasons, but now I kind of prefer it to what mainstream browsers do.

    [0]: https://git.sr.ht/~bptato/chawan/tree/e56399f92d2323f9af95e0... (not a great explanation - it says "bottom", but like "position: absolute" it's placed at the top if only "top" is specified, etc.)

  • crazygringo16 hours ago
    I've been using the Kill-Sticky Chrome extension for years:


    Because it has a configurable keyboard shortcut.

    Can't imagine browsing the web without it. At this point hitting Cmd+K when I visit an article is pure reflex.

    A bookmarklet would be more secure, but I don't know of a way to assign keyboard shortcuts to one.

    • aeromusek3 hours ago
      Chrome bookmarks also show up as items in the Bookmarks menu, which means you can use the built-in macOS functionality to assign your own custom keyboard shortcuts in System Preferences → Keyboard.
    • Noumenon7212 hours ago
      You can add a Chrome site shortcut whose URL is a bookmarklet, so it will run the bookmarklet when you type "bm" in the address bar (for example).

      Taking it even further so it will run with just one keystroke, on my Mac I used Karabiner to run a terminal script that types the bookmarklet in the address bar for me:

          tell application "System Events"
              keystroke "l" using {command down} -- Select the address bar (Cmd+L)
              keystroke "bm" -- Type "bm"
              delay 0.2  # Let Chrome recognize the site shortcut
              keystroke return -- Press Enter
          end tell
      In my script I open a new Chrome window before this because the bookmarklet submits a nag screen from my job, but for stickies you could have it just switch back to the window you're reading instead.
  • bschne15 hours ago
    Anecdote: I was in charge of a complete rebuild for an e-commerce website a few years back, which included a new design. We were debating various layout options, as it was tricky to get the information hierarchy right and show everything necessary even on smaller screens. Then we had an internal review and the CEO complicated things considerably by insisting it was very important that the header be sticky --- to ensure that the company logo would always remain visible even when scrolling, reminding users of our brand.
    • eviks12 hours ago
      Is it possible to distract the kid in power with a favicon that is always visible in the url bar and allow users not curse the brand due to stickiness?
      • echoangle3 hours ago
        Most users are on mobile nowadays and don't see the favicon until they want to switch tabs.
    • stalfosknight14 hours ago
      CEOs need to be stopped or at least be told to shut the fuck up.
  • ggasp1 hour ago
    Perfect little tool I’ve been using but I completely forgot.

    I make it a Shortcut out of it: https://www.icloud.com/shortcuts/8aa788a3acc747169a6d80191a0...

  • nfriedly13 hours ago
    I'm using the Bar Breaker Firefox Extension[1], it's particularly helpful on Android devices with smaller screens.

    It completely gets rid of the bars, which is sometimes great, but sometimes too much. I occasionally have to turn it off for workflows where the "next" button is in a fixed bar, such as checkout for US Mobile, or saving a Yoto playlist.

    [1]: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/bar-breaker/

  • DaveSwift11 hours ago
    Love it! Since it's now 2025, we probably should search for "fixed" & "sticky"

    Here's a minified version with "sticky" added:

    javascript:(()=>[...document.querySelectorAll('body *')].map(el=>["fixed","sticky"].includes(getComputedStyle(el).position)&&el.remove()))();

    • evgpbfhnr7 hours ago
      Interestingly running this in the console works but from a bookmarklet changes all the page content to false,false,false,.... (on firefox)

      Any idea?

      • 0xml5 hours ago
        Firefox expects your script to return undefined, so you can add one at the end (or even shorter: void 0).
        • evgpbfhnr2 hours ago
          Thank you (and neighbors), I didn't know this.
          • handsclean1 hour ago
            To clarify slightly, bookmarklet behavior across browsers is to call `document.write` with the result of the bookmarklet’s last expression unless that result is `undefined`, and calling `document.write` after page load completes replaces the page’s DOM with the content written. It’s a weird bookmarklet thing, I don’t think there’s anywhere else in JS that accepts a list of statements, not expressions, but cares about the result of the last expression.

            People often disable this by making the last expression `void 0`, which evaluates to `undefined`. This is really an anachronism, though, the original point wasn’t actually brevity (it’s only one character shorter after URL encoding, not worth funky syntax) but that just writing `undefined` was broken and sometimes didn’t evaluate to the special value undefined. That’s fixed now, so I would just append `undefined` instead.

            Though, really what you should do is always wrap bookmarklets in IIFEs, which avoids stomping around the page’s global variables, lets you write code with early exits, lets you opt back in with an explicit return rather than editing boilerplate, and also solves this issue as a bonus.

      • Robin_Message6 hours ago
        Change map to forEach?
        • silvestrov5 hours ago
          document.querySelectorAll('body *').forEach(e=>{if (["fixed","sticky"].includes(getComputedStyle(e).position)) e.remove()});
  • layer817 hours ago
    > There's even a sticky header web startup.

    That’s hilarious (and sad). It seems to be still in business, since 2012.

    • nejsjsjsbsb16 hours ago
      Surprisingly that site has no sticky header. It did trigger a Google login attempt and ask for notification permissions plus had a couple of sticky buttons at the bottom.
      • layer816 hours ago
        It does have one. It takes a few seconds to appear though.
    • burgerrito13 hours ago
      uBlock Origin blocked the website. Gee, I wonder why
  • lasarkolja14 hours ago
    Dont hate me, but I would like to have the opposite functionality

    Just for mobile, where it is very annoying on long pages (Laravel Docs for example) to scroll up just to get the menue button.

    • lucasluitjes28 minutes ago
      Here you go: javascript:(function(){window.scrollTo({top:0,behavior:'smooth'});})();
    • skydhash12 hours ago
      If you’re on ios, you can tap the clock for fast scroll up.
    • miramba7 hours ago
      Same here, and I want the sticky Safari bottom tool bar back! Why is that not configurable?
  • evgpbfhnr8 hours ago
    If someone has one for the "share this" popups when you select some text in way too many articles/blogs I'd love to add this to my collection...
  • tempodox6 hours ago
    Nowadays even more vital than 12 years ago. Things have not gotten better in the meantime.

    I've been using the Kill Sticky bookmarklet for that:


  • chrsw15 hours ago
    These things are so annoying. Is there a website benchmark not for speed, not for security but for "annoyingness"? I guess there is some overlap with accessibility, but that's not exactly what I'm thinking of.

    I asked Copilot and searched Google but couldn't really come up with anything.

    • nightpool13 hours ago
      CLS was roughly designed to measure annoyingness in terms of "moving layout elements". I'm sure Google has even more nuanced signals to measure e.g. ad coverage vs content coverage
      • dylan60412 hours ago
        > I'm sure Google has even more nuanced signals to measure e.g. ad coverage vs content coverage

        Let me guess, in Google's mind, the more ad coverage the better even if sacrificing content?

    • kevindamm15 hours ago
      It is the inverse of what engagement is supposed to be measuring, but it turns out that optimizing for engagement takes you down a darker path...
      • dylan60412 hours ago
        When I see a site that's clearly over enthusiastic about this stuff, I just close the tab. So their focus on keeping engagement with shenanigans actually shortens the engagement ending in a lost potential.
        • dredmorbius11 hours ago
          That depends on what's being measured, most especially by way of survivor bias.

          If the only people whose time-on-site is measured are those who 1) don't blacklist the site, 2) don't disable JS, and 3) don't immediately leave and never return, then annoyances may well give apparent measurement of longer time-on-site as the remaining readership is curated to those who will tolerate (or have no alternative to) such bullshit.

          Web metrics are very poorly understood even now. YouTube's infamous experiment where latency improvements degraded apparent site performance ... because people with exceedingly marginal connections could now actually use the site if even very poorly.

          (I can't find that story though it's from ~10--15 years ago. Both my DDG-fu and FastGPT-fu (Kagi) are failing me. I'm pretty sure HN has discussed this at least once.)

  • fatboy15 hours ago
    I have a (badly made) variant of kill sticky that I use on my phone. It kills sticky, then messes with any code blocks it finds to make them full width and use a smaller font.

    It drives me mad when I'm reading articles with embedded code blocks where the code has less room than the prose and sometimes a bigger font!

    It works well on eg this page (https://www.programiz.com/swift-programming/inheritance), but maybe someone that knows what they're doing can make it work on GitHub. It'd be nice to not see those line numbers taking up half the width.

    I'm on my phone so I've only the bookmarklet to hand:

  • lemonberry16 hours ago
    The only sticky headers I like are the ones that disappear while scrolling to the bottom of the page but reappear when scrolling back up. Preferably while scrolling up the user is only seeing the navigation and logo. Otherwise, they're super annoying.
    • eviks12 hours ago
      These are just as bad, at least their default implementation that triggers on tiny up movements as it covers content you tried to re-read or just annoyingly pops up on inadvertent finger movements
    • mlekoszek15 hours ago
      Unless you're reading at the top of the screen (i.e. on a phone), scroll up to recap on something you missed, and then the header slides in and covers the exact thing you were trying to read.

      Bonus points if the header is absolutely massive and takes up a full fifth of the innerHeight.

  • zoom66282 hours ago
    Kill Sticky is brilliant. Been using for years.
  • codingrightnow16 hours ago
    He can't hate them that much he put one on his website.
    • urbandw311er16 hours ago
      I think that’s kind of the point. He puts a button just down from the top that kills it.
    • al_borland16 hours ago
      I saw this as a feature. I was able to click the button and make it go away, to see it work.
    • 16 hours ago
    • nejsjsjsbsb16 hours ago
      That's called irony.
    • Forge3616 hours ago
      It makes for a good test
  • stevage15 hours ago
    So it works by removing elements with "position: fixed".

    But do all sticky headers work like that? In sites that I build, I tend to just have a normal div at the top, followed by a div for the main body with "overflow-y: scroll".

    • chrismorgan4 hours ago
      Please don't implement things like that: among one or two other related problems, it breaks keyboard navigability, because the document then isn't scrollable. So users have to focus your div by clicking or tabbing to it before things like Space to go down one pageful will work.

      `position: sticky` or `fixed` are the only acceptable techniques to implement sticky headers for typical websites. (There are definitely app scenarios where you need multiple scroll areas and don't want any of them to use the document scroll area, e.g. a multi-pane email client; in such cases you should then manage focus just a little so one pane gets focus when everything loses it.)

  • SeanAnderson16 hours ago
    This article is about removing all fixed elements on a page. Not only do other elements catch strays, fixed isn't the industry standard way of making sticky headers in 2025!
    • dredmorbius11 hours ago
      Fixed isn't the industry standard way of making sticky headers in 2025

      What is? Flexbox? Or something else?

      (Not a FE dev, though I'm vaguely conversant in CSS, mostly by using it to fix site annoyances on my own via stylesheet management extensions such as Stylus.)

  • perching_aix12 hours ago
    the website has a massive, undismissing sticky header on top on mobile with js disabled. it's also the useless kind. rather ironic.
    • err4nt12 hours ago
      Presumably so you can test it on-page
  • bradgessler15 hours ago
    If only sticky headers didn’t convert so well!
    • carlosjobim11 hours ago
      Convert to what? Not to actual sales for sure. But maybe converting well to annoying and confusing the potential customer, which seems to be much more important than making sales.
      • bradgessler11 hours ago
        Click-throughs, signups, etc. and eventual sales.
  • zapkyeskrill16 hours ago
    2025 and it still works, even on mobile
  • fn-mote17 hours ago
    (2013) but I will give it a try.
    • cuttysnark16 hours ago
      Since then we've gotten: position: sticky — which is like fixed but only "fixes" itself once its Y offset is satisfied. Updating the bookmarklet to also check for that, in addition to position: fixed would help modernize it a bit.
  • username2239 hours ago
    A "kill-fixed" bookmarklet that kills anything with position "fixed" or "sticky" is essential to making websites usable. The "best" is Substack, where I load the page with JavaScript disabled, then enable it to kill the red fixed-position bar telling me that JavaScript is essential.
  • quantadev11 hours ago
    The whole entire internet is broken.

    Specifically what I mean is HTML is flawed. It should never have been a presentation format. It should've always been a DATA format, like JSON, or XML, from day one. The browser itself would then be able to display information (pages) in whatever style, colors, and format it wants.

    Probably 99.999% of developers agree with this, but we're stuck in a RUT it seems. I know what I'm sort of talking about is the "Semantic Web", and I'm probably preaching to the choir to bring it up on Hacker News.

    But I'm wondering if it's possible to change? What would it take? We'd need some major movement, almost like Web3, or Blockchains, that got everyone to wake up and realize there's an easier way. We're stuck because there's no real incentive for change. It's a chicken and egg problem. No one is gonna be first to design something, unless everyone else is already using it. :( Thanks for listening. That was step one I guess.

    • crazygringo56 minutes ago
      Almost nobody wants that though.

      Content providers want control over presentation.

      Users want pretty sites.

      None of this is unique to the web. It's the same reason every magazine has its own attractive layout and formatting, instead of just being a long manuscript in Courier.

      I like the fact that different sites have different typography. It's an identity that tells me where I am.

      I understand the appeal of "pure information" without any visual variation ever, but I think that for most people, variety is the spice of life, no?

      I wouldn't want every site to look the same, for the same reason I wouldn't want everyone to dress like clones. Visual self-expression is part of what it is to be alive.

  • 16 hours ago