User: borski

  • Created: 16 years ago
  • Karma: 6109
  • Just a hacker in the SF bay area who likes technology of all sorts; cyber security expert, founder, angel, advisor/mentor, amateur UX enthusiast, and I sing too! :)

    I have always been more interested in why and how things worked, rather than just being content that they did.

    20+ years in offensive software security, eight patents (I hate them but tell that to the VCs who love them).

    Sold Tinfoil Security, after 9 years of building it, to Synopsys, in January 2020. Hell of a ride.

    My (last) startup:

    acquired by

    Now figuring out my next thing.

    Twitter: @borski -- get in touch! I'm always up for meeting interesting people.

    [ my public key:; my proof: ]