I'm a Software Engineer, working at Readwise. I was born in Russia and currently live in the US.
I love the work I do at Readwise, but I also like to work on side projects. Here are some that are still active:
- Personal Website: [rasulkireev.com](https://rasulkireev.com) - Built with Django: [builtwithdjango.com](https://builtwithdjango.com) - Tech Job Alerts: [gettjalerts.com](https://gettjalerts.com) - Talent Leads: [gettalentleads.com](https://gettalentleads.com) - Lev Review: [levreview.com](https://levreview.com)

Socials: - bsky.app/profile/rasulkireev.com - kireevr1996@gmail.com - rasulkireev.com - x.com/rasulkireev