Jaywalking is now legal in New York City


3 points | by bookofjoe17 小时前


  • not_your_vase17 小时前

      > Some fear the new law could lead to more pedestrian deaths.
    One thing that's not mentioned in the article is that US has pretty much the strictest jaywalking regulations. E.g. jaywalking within city-limits is pretty common (and accepted and legal) all around Europe, without any significant mayhem...
    • beardyw17 小时前
      Yes I agree, though I would worry that drivers would take some time to get used to it, and those from outside may not know.

      In the UK we cross on red pedestrian lights if the road is clear, and it's obvious that other nations are not used to it.

  • nobody999915 小时前
    Guardian article discussed here: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41992399 255 points by Thomashuet 1 day ago | flag | hide | past | favorite | 329 comments