• yencabulator1 个月前
    Also good to remember that Microsoft Copilot is not Github Copilot even if Microsoft now runs Github. And then there's apparently Microsoft Copilot in Azure, which is a devops tool. Clear as mud!




    • rendaw1 个月前
      Oh wow, I wish they'd adopt that strategy to clarify the mess that is .net, .net framework, .net core, .net standard, and .net.
  • whobre1 个月前
    I remember the time when Microsoft was rebranding everything as “.NET”. Lasted for a couple of years and then they moved on to a different hype.
    • kalleboo1 个月前
      As far as I can recall, this has been their branding strategy:

      1996: Rename everything to "MSN" including a news TV channel

      2000: Rename everything ".NET" even if it's not a programming language

      2005: Rename everything that remotely touches the internet to "Live"

      2013: Rename everything to "365"

      2025: Rename everything to "Copilot" even things that are not just an LLM

      Also sprinkle "Windows" liberally over everything in the late 90's-00's

      Did I miss anything?

      Edit: was reminded of this classic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EUXnJraKM3k

      • Too1 个月前
        Skype and Lync, surface, windows subsystem for linux, AD to Entra, 10S, "whatever for enterprise", whatever for teams, one, one s, one x, windows phone, windows mobile, windows mobile 8, service pack became anniversary update became creators update. Let's not even get started on things like Visual C++ redistributable runtime framework package for desktop bridge (not making that up).
        • rendaw1 个月前
          So there's Lync and Linq? No wonder I was having trouble searching, and I thought I was bad at spelling on top of that...
      • jsmith451 个月前
        2013ish also had a "One" naming trend that was short lived: Xbox One SkyDrive->OneDrive

        It didn't seem to spread much though...

      • indrora1 个月前
        you frogot "Visual" in there.
  • fckmsft321 个月前
    Microsoft 365 Copilot .NET 4.0 SP2
    • kalleboo1 个月前
      Needs more MSN and Live in there somewhere
      • prox1 个月前
        Microsofts MSN 365 Copilot Live .NET 4.0 SP2

        Hope I helped ;)

  • blackeyeblitzar1 个月前
    At some point the FTC and DOJ really need to split up these huge companies to stop this bundling of separate products to block out any competition.
    • bdangubic1 个月前
      easy solution - just don’t use windows
      • smt881 个月前
        Hundreds of millions of people are required by their employer to use Windows
        • 38362936481 个月前
          Milions of soldiers are required by their employer to shoot and kill people.

          That their employer said so doesn't make it moral or ok. Using Windows is always wrong. Using Chrome is always wrong.

          • smt881 个月前
            It's childish, privileged, and detached from reality to tell people to quit literally their entire career to avoid using Windows or Chrome. There are industries (not just single companies) that use Windows.

            The degree of moral purity is only possible for people who are already rich or willing to be a burden on the rest of society by being unemployed.

          • vo2maxer1 个月前
            How are these claims any different than saying: Buying groceries in any supermarket chain is always wrong; buying an automobile from any of the large car makers is always wrong?
            • 38362936481 个月前
              These aren't serious claims. They're criticising the argument being used.

              They are things I do stand for though

          • oenton1 个月前
            I visit hacker news for insightful discussions and this ain’t it chief. The world is much larger than your bubble and sticking your fingers in your ears doesn’t change that.
            • 38362936481 个月前
              These aren't serious claims. They're criticising the argument being used. Good job on the reading comprehension.

              They are things I do stand for though

        • bdangubic1 个月前
          yup, in which case this is a simple corporate issue. what does one care about what windows bundles together if this is OS and software provided to you for work?! if I was insane enough to work for such a company (am not) I would want them to bundle 100 things together, pile it on - flight attendant to the copilot to the copilot… :)
      • indrora1 个月前
        I've come to appreciate two things in salty ass tech culture:

        * Don't say "hello" alone in DMs * When you say "Just", whatever follows can be summarily replaced with "Go Fuck Yourself".

        Summarized pretty well by [0], honestly.

        [0]https://youtu.be/BOKpkWnrq4w?t=309 (timestamp important)

    • dialup_sounds1 个月前
      All they did here was change the name.
      • evanjrowley1 个月前
        So that the next generation will never know there was such a thing as a local-first office suite free from invasive AI.
  • kwertyoowiyop1 个月前
    How about “Microsoft Blob”?
  • zfg1 个月前
    An alternative to Microsoft Office is LibreOffice. It's pretty good:


  • tanseydavid1 个月前
    I am the only who wonders if Microsoft marketing people also rename their children once they reach a couple of years old?
  • 1 个月前
  • 486sx331 个月前
    Boo copilot integration Microsoft’s path to monetization of their chat gpt “partnership”
  • nunez1 个月前
    Anyone remember when Microsoft slapped .NET on everything?

    This is that.

    "We must get an ROI on the money we lit on fire!" -Some exec, probably

    • 1 个月前
  • 1 个月前
  • Havoc1 个月前
    Well excel is going to continue to excel.

    ...everything else in office is in danger of getting AI crammed into it diagonally whether it needs it or not.

    • fckmsft321 个月前
      The competency crisis will also affect Excel down the line, just like it's affecting Boeing spaceships and planes and everything else the new demographics touch.
      • tomnipotent1 个月前
        People only use Word or PowerPoint to do a small part in a larger job.

        Many people live in Excel and spend much of their day-to-day in it. When Microsoft introduced the ribbon, it was the Excel crowd that was, by far, the loudest and most vocal. Excel has the Microsoft Excel World Championship, a legitimate Esport.

  • 1 个月前
  • svilen_dobrev1 个月前
    so, Clippy again?
  • nixosbestos1 个月前
    so, what about leap years?
  • dunno74561 个月前
    Suddenly everyone uses copilot and the numbers are looking good /s
  • vo2maxer1 个月前
    I’m trying to understand why the sentiment in many of the comments is one of near outrage. Is this based on the atavistic hatred of Microsoft or is there a cogent position on why this is a noxious implementation?
    • bravetraveler1 个月前
      Name no do job good; is this post just to practice your vocabulary? Do you really find difficulty understanding why one finds ire with muddying identifiers?
    • yapyap1 个月前
      Cause they’re moving forward with forcing their AI slop down every Windows users’ throats
      • dialup_sounds1 个月前
        You're not forced to open the app and purchase a $120/yr subscription just because they changed the name.
        • Arn_Thor1 个月前
          I’m not paying a cent but I see AI buttons and ads for it all over my OS and software interfaces. Let’s just say this renaming makes me think that’s not about to improve anytime soon.
          • dialup_sounds1 个月前
            I do not agree that seeing a button I don't like is equivalent to forcing AI slop down our throats.
    • 1 个月前
    • ksec1 个月前
      Think about all the confusion a normal user will face and then some of us have to answer and offer support for it. They could have called it Office 733 or 999 and people wouldn't be as angry. But they completely got rid of Office brand name.

      I guess at least they did it after Christmas family dinner.

    • ycombinatrix1 个月前
      using obscure words doesn't make you look intelligent.
      • x______________1 个月前
        But it makes me more intelligent after I decipher them.
    • cedilla1 个月前
      I for one am just exhausted from the torrent of confusing random changes.