34 points | by mizzao1 个月前
So the order in this case violates the law?
But who can defend the law if the department is staffed by loyalists, and there's a broader effort to filter out anyone "disloyal"?
The reason for this law is so that Government operates in a steady and understandable way and doesn't have dramatic shifts due to a change in the Executive branch. Having this law allows for things like a stable society. That in turn build trust resulting in things like our stock market being a goto not just for Americans but investors all over the world. It allows for the trust in the US Government needed for our bonds to be considered safe investments. It allows for the trust in the US Government needed for the dollar to be used as the world reserve currency.
Donald Trump already lost in the Supreme Court his last term doing these sorts of arbitrary and capricious executive actions but he doesn't care that it's not only unconstitutional but also undermines the United State position as number one in the world order.
I feel like SCOTUS has setup the "absolute power corrupts absolutely" test where he can even choose to continuously violate the law, but there are no consequences. So why not keep at it?
As in ... voting for them?
If that's the case, they get to do that, that's their right. That's not the loyalty the current administration is looking for.
Trump's first term he asked his staff to take an oath of loyalty, to him personally, not the US.
Which was the most prominent one uncovered.
I’m sympathetic to the fear that the current administration will irrevocably damage faith in US institutions, but I am also sympathetic to the conservative accusation that democrats have already done the damage.
As far as the current administration goes, they see simple statements of scientific fact as false / evidence of "bias". That's not one side or another, that's just ignorance.
"It's ok when I do it, because I think they did." Is just and endless escalation by design. Those in power will always find a reason to justify their actions because it benefits them ... not because anyone else actually did the thing.
Science, engineering, medicine and technology do not invent themselves. It takes people, sometimes for decades, to make it happen overnight. If you spend nothing, you get nothing. I guess nothing is now the plan.
Who are you telling this to, me or the government?