Show HN: TikTok for Beautiful Words


6 points | by lightstack1 天前


  • lightstack1 天前
    Infinite content-swiping sites are in fashion, I suppose, so why not at least learn beautiful English words while aimlessly tapping or clicking your screen. Words that I found especially appealing are marked as legendary (you will know what I mean when you see them).

    The Stack is Svelte with Tailwind, Directus for managing the words and Umami for a bit of insight into the traffic and there is actually a limited number of words, since I manually collected them. No AI was involved in the creation of this website, the words or descriptions.

    So use your fugacious chance, until my server gets hugged to death :)

  • Rodmine8 小时前
    Please don’t capitalize the first letter unless it is a proper noun. Would make it slightly better experience.
    • lightstack7 小时前
      Thanks for the feedback, I think you are right. Having a single word be lowercase just felt ... less aesthetic, but you have a point as that is how it will be properly used.
  • inatreecrown218 小时前
    I like it! I would change the URL from fancyword to something more along the lines of the title here.
    • lightstack6 小时前
      Yep, that would for sure be more serious, but I liked the juxtaposition between a website about eloquent language and the clumsy, middle-school-like description of "fancy words".

      And I am really happy that someone liked it :)

  • unknown144318 小时前
    I have a suggestion, how about adding a regularly used sentence, with the word?