Trickle down has worked perfectly, millions of people have got rich comodifieing and corporatising all of the things, I think right now
daycare is bieng swallowed up.Recently here was a
new "file navigator" was presented for a realy hefty price, with a subscription, so the idea is to put peoples local ,self created files, behind a pay wall.
While tiny in overall scale, the trickle, is very much alive, and sucessfull.
The only issue is that this has become so prevelant as to interfear with civil engineering(road salt, fire trucks, etc) that basic infrastructure is regressing and becoming clumsy.
That and there are no more "killer apps", but legions of sasy wanabees.
On.the plus side ,there has definitly been a technological revolution in energy production, and material sciences is doing well, all of the core research tools, have gotten ,much better,cheaper, smaller, and are in thousands of labs, vs 10's of labs of a few years ago.
Industry at the largest scales is just getting more efficient, and less impactfull, with recycling of strategic metals and materials happening at scale.
But if what people are bemoning is the failure to create a vast and growing complacent suburban middle class, then boo boo to you, that was never
going to happen, suck it up, and put your back into all of the everything that still needs done,
its actualy fun to work, and sweat, surviving where true failure lurks, and the lessons of pragmatism shine...oportunity is everywhere