• FrankWilhoit14 小时前
    The trickle down was never meant to trickle and if it had, the people who advocated it would not have advocated it. Its purpose, like that of the "business cycle", is to concentrate ownership.
    • dpe8214 小时前
      The "business cycle" has no purpose; it's an emergent phenomenon.
    • Gibbon18 小时前
      I think Will Rogers has a quote that the advantage of giving poor people money is they get to use it for a short time before the rich get their hands on it. In honest economics this is referred to as the propensity to consume.

      I extend it by noting when you give the wealthy money they use it to blow asset bubbles.

  • metalman22 分钟前
    Trickle down has worked perfectly, millions of people have got rich comodifieing and corporatising all of the things, I think right now daycare is bieng swallowed up.Recently here was a new "file navigator" was presented for a realy hefty price, with a subscription, so the idea is to put peoples local ,self created files, behind a pay wall. While tiny in overall scale, the trickle, is very much alive, and sucessfull. The only issue is that this has become so prevelant as to interfear with civil engineering(road salt, fire trucks, etc) that basic infrastructure is regressing and becoming clumsy. That and there are no more "killer apps", but legions of sasy wanabees. On.the plus side ,there has definitly been a technological revolution in energy production, and material sciences is doing well, all of the core research tools, have gotten ,much better,cheaper, smaller, and are in thousands of labs, vs 10's of labs of a few years ago. Industry at the largest scales is just getting more efficient, and less impactfull, with recycling of strategic metals and materials happening at scale. But if what people are bemoning is the failure to create a vast and growing complacent suburban middle class, then boo boo to you, that was never going to happen, suck it up, and put your back into all of the everything that still needs done, its actualy fun to work, and sweat, surviving where true failure lurks, and the lessons of pragmatism shine...oportunity is everywhere
  • fuzzfactor12 小时前
    50 years ago plenty of us knew they were lying at the time.
  • Neonlicht11 小时前
    It would help if rich people and companies would stop trying to avoid the tax system.
    • Gibbon18 小时前
      I worked for a company where they seemed more concerned with tax liability than developing products and securing customers.
  • gruez15 小时前
  • kristianp6 小时前
    See also past discussions of this study: https://hn.algolia.com/?q=trickle+down+
  • refurb10 小时前
    This seems like a odd conclusion.

    The Reagan tax cuts and Trump tax cuts lowered taxes for many in the middle class. I never heard anyone claim anything about tax cuts "trickling down", it was more "you'll pay less taxes".

    • ngetchell10 小时前
      I think you'll find if you do a little research that Republicans use the idea of trickling down to justify their tax cuts. They even make the CBO change their accurate models to "dynamic scoring" models to help sell those tax cuts.
      • refurb9 小时前
        No, "trickle down" is just what the opposition called it.

        "Political opponents of the Reagan administration soon seized on this language in an effort to brand the administration as caring only about the wealthy."


        The argument was never that "tax cuts for the wealthy make it down to the middle class", it was supply side - lowering taxes gives people more money (in general) which stimulates economy activity.

  • JohnnyLarue11 小时前
  • 6stringmerc15 小时前